TGDP-presentation at the First Annual Rice-UT Austin Linguistics Workshop on Language in Use (Rice University): “Implementing Best-Practice Recommendations in Documentary Linguistics: The Texas German Dialect Project” (Hans C. Boas)
TGDP-presentation at the International Videoconference on the Unique Impact of Central European Immigration in New World Settlements (Concordia University (Austin, TX)): “Texas German as a Lingua Franca” (Hans C. Boas)
Fund-raising effort begins for the Texas German endowment. The goal is to raise half a million dollars over five years to guarantee permanent financial support for the documentation, archiving, and analysis of Texas German language and culture (similar endowments have already been put in place by the Texas-Czechs and Texas-Swedes). Donations are tax-deductable.
TGDP-presentation at the quarterly meeting of the Golden Crescent Chapter of the Texas German Society (Victoria, TX): “The Texas German Dialect Project” (Hans C. Boas), please see Article in Victoria Advocate.
Another article in the New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung.
Fieldwork begins in Victoria.
TGDP interviews its 100th speaker.