Article in “The Local” features the TGDP: “Texas German: How southerners are keeping a distinct dialect alive.“[PDF]
TGDP presentation at the 2018 Annual Conference of the German-Texan Heritage Society in Galveston, TX: “German Heritage in Today’s Classroom.” (Barbara Berthold & Hans C. Boas)
TGDP presentation “Zur Geschichte der Affrikata /pf/ im Texasdeutschen” at the 6. Kongress der Internationalen Gesellschaft für Dialektologie des Deutschen (IGDD) in Marburg, Germany (Matthias Fingerhuth).
Michael Szurawitzki (University of Hamburg) presents a talk “Comparing Language Contact: Ethnic Identities in Speech Islands” in the Department of Germanic Studies at UT Austin, and collaborates with TGDP members on a number of research projects.