New TGDP publication. Boas, Hans C. 2016. Variation im Texasdeutschen: Implikationen fuer eine vergleichende Sprachinselforschung. In Alexandra Lenz (ed.), German Abroad. Perspektiven der Variationslinguistik, Sprachkontakt- und Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung, 11-44. Vienna University Press. [ PDF ]
Program posted for German Abroad 2 Conference. The program for the conference German Abroad 2, to take place at UT Austin (Nov. 2-3, 2016) is now posted online.
TGDP presentation at the 2016 Annual Conference of the German-Texan Heritage Society in La Grange, Texas: “Investigating Texas German in the 21st Century.” (Marc Pierce and Hans C. Boas)
TGDP presentation at the International Workshop on Discourse Analysis, Santiago de Compostela, Spain: “On the borrowing of English discourse markers into Texas German and Texas Spanish.” (Hans C. Boas)