We strongly suggest you consult the UT General Libraries” online guide for creating citations of electronic resources, so that you can tailor your citation to your specific needs.
For the purposes of providing reference information for materials you access through the TGDA database, include the following elements at minimum:
- Name of researcher who collected the recording (so far, Hans C. Boas)
- Year of recording
- Descriptive title of file
- The name of the Web Site
- The unique file ID identifying a media session
An example is:
Boas, Hans C. (2002): “Different types of Country Schools”.
[online] http://www.tgdp.org: The Texas German Dialect
Project. 1-25-1-7-a.
Also, whenever you cite a file from the TGDA, please
reference the following paper:
Boas, Hans C. (2003): Tracing Dialect Death: The Texas
German Dialect Project. In: Larson, J., and M. Paster
(eds.), Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the
Berkeley Linguistics Society. pp. 387-398.